
Rebecca Charnow

College Faculty:
Dean for Youth Education and Community-Career Connections

Rebecca Charnow serves as Manhattan School of Music’ s Dean of Youth Education and Community-Career Connections and teaches several courses within the Center for Career Readiness & Community Impact (CCRCI). As Dean, Rebecca leads three distinct areas that have synergistic connections to developing young musicians and aspiring artists; these three areas are the CCRCI, MSM Precollege, and MSM Summer.

Rebecca Charnow oversees Manhattan School of Music’ s Center for Career Readiness & Community Impact. Since 2000, she has supervised and coached hundreds of Manhattan School of Music students who participate in arts partnerships with local preK-12 schools, memory care facilities, and other community centers throughout New York City.  Ms. Charnow facilitates collaborations with various local arts and social service organizations for student internships and experiential learning opportunities in order to support students as they pursue personally meaningful career paths.

Ms. Charnow teaches a variety of undergraduate and graduate MSM courses, including Musician as Educator, Arts & Education Training, Community Engagement for Musicians, Fundamentals of Music Education, and Professional Performance Diploma Seminar, with a specialized focus on pedagogical training for teachers of neurodiverse and twice-exceptional children.  She has been a guest speaker at the New Zealand School of Music, Kobe College School of Music and Okayama Prefectural University in Japan, Teachers College Columbia University, The Juilliard School, and the MENC National Conference. Ms. Charnow also oversees the School’s pathway degree program with Teachers College Columbia University.  

Ms. Charnow was the Director of MSM Summer from 2004-2021, including seven years as a residential program for international students.

Ms. Charnow earned a MA in music education from Teachers College Columbia University and a BA cum laude in music from Binghamton University. She holds permanent New York State K-12 teacher certification in music education.


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